LKWebHosting is changing the name to

LKWebHosting has been providing services for more than 5000+ customer in Sri Lanka since 2009. We are one of the oldest providers in Sri Lanka to provide web hosting and domain registration services for over a decade proving our continuity and reliability.

Recently, we have been working on a way to make LKWebHosting more localized. As you are already aware of, we are still using a .com domain name and it’s one of a major issues that we have been facing when we wanted to establish our local identity. We cannot use a domain name like because it does not make sense to have “lk” in two places in the domain name. As a result of these discussions, we have finally decided to change LKWebHosting to a different name: because we are the only provider in Sri Lanka to offer you all the web services in one place.

Q: What else will be changed other than your domain name,

A: The new localized name will allow us to target more Sri Lankan clients and prevent the confusions in web hosting company’s names. Other than the service improvements, we will remain the same and it’s only a brand name (and domain name) change. We are the same team providing the same services and there will be no changes to the prices or the ownership of the company.

The domain domain name willl be changed to:

The default nameservers will be changed to:,

The client area URL will be changed to:

Q: When will this change happen?

A: We have already started working on performing the necessary back-end changes and we will update you via email whenever this has been completed. Meanwhile, you can still access and use the same client area.

Q: Do I have to do anything?

A: You will only have to use the new client area and the new nameservers. Please make sure you update all of your domain names’ nameservers to the below nameservers in order to get a smooth transfer.

The above nameservers are up and fully functional.

We will start redirecting to (including the client area) once we have completed the migration.

Q: Do I get something because of this change?

A: Of course, we are planning on running a promotional offer to provider 20% discount on all of our shared hosting packages forever! We will make sure you you will be the first to be notified about this promo whenever our new site is up and running 🙂

LKWebHosting is changing the name to

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